• Casino Hours are 10:00am – 1:00am. The property will under go a deep cleaning while closed.
  • Masks will be required for all guests and employees on the property. Customers should be prepared to provide their own mask, as a limited supply will be available to customers.
  • Guest and Staff wellness checks including temperature will be required prior to entry into the building to help ensure the healthiest environment possible.
  • Side entrances will be closed in order to control high traffic areas and contact on surfaces. During those times visitors can enter through the Main entrance only.
  • Guests can expect markings on the floors in front of the cage, Players Club, ATMs and Water’s Bar indicating six-foot distancing.
  • All machines are available for play, however, we are maintaining the occupancy limit on the casino floor to approximately 50 percent of our total machine capacity.
  • New technology has been added to machines that notifies Casino staff when a guest leaves a machine, allowing for extra sanitation and immediate cleaning between players.
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